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Bronte Businesses on the Move

Redevelopment projects in Bronte have and will continue to see the district evolve. And while change is the constant, Bronte remains one of the most scenic and inviting places to live and do business in the GTA. We’re very pleased to let you know about five long-standing businesses that have found a new place to […]

Farewell to these Bronte Businesses

A new season is upon us and the same can be said for Bronte district. With one major redevelopment underway at 2368 Lakeshore Rd W, another expected to begin this Fall at the SE corner of Lakeshore Rd W at Bronte Rd and two more planned, our neighbourhood is evolving. And, sometimes change means saying […]

BIA Districts Matter this Election

Local business districts, like the 175-business Bronte BIA, are an important driver of the economy, tourism and livability. No matter where you live or work, get engaged with candidates in the upcoming municipal election taking place October 24 and ask them where they stand on issues that impact small businesses.* In 2021, the BIA led […]

Be Part of Bronte’s Evolution

The old saying ‘the only constant is change’ is true for the district of Bronte right now. With one major redevelopment underway (2368 Lakeshore Rd W), another expected to begin this Fall (SE corner Lakeshore Rd W @ Bronte Rd) and 2 more planned, this neighbourhood is evolving. In 2021, the Bronte BIA led the […]

Thank You for a Spectacular Summer, Bronte!

Through our Community Investment Program, the BIA was able to sponsor 40 events and welcomed 25,000+ visitors to connect and celebrate in unique shared experiences. We hosted lakeside concerts, children’s art and drumming programs, historical walking tours, live music, educational workshops, an Elvis competition and a community book bike. Thank you to The Oakville Wind […]

Let Bronte Help You Get Back-to-School Ready

The back-to-school checklist can be overwhelming for families. Imagine if there was a destination that could help you put a checkmark next to everything on your list? Enter Bronte! We’ve compiled all the ways a visit to the district will make your back-to-school experience feel like a lakeside breeze. From school supplies to lunchtime essentials, […]