The Bronte BIA’s Our Square, Our Story Project Receives My Main Street Support!

Congratulations to the Bronte BIA and its partners on receiving support from the My Main Street Community Activator stream for Our Square, Our Story!

My Main Street is built on the principle of supporting community economic development and creating vibrant and diverse neighbourhoods where residents from all backgrounds can benefit, enjoy and feel safe in their communities and on their main streets. My Main Street is delivered by the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI), and is supported by a Government of Canada investment through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) to foster the stabilization and revitalization of main streets across southern Ontario.

My Main Street will support the Bronte BIA’s Our Square, Our Story project, which is a high impact placemaking initiative that will shape the social and physical character of Bronte’s new public asset – Bronte Market Square – through public art, infrastructure, music & culture and a first-ever Farmers’ Market.

The Our Square, Our Story Project has FOUR primary components:

PUBLIC ART: a community co-created ground-mural to be painted in the centre of Bronte Market Square, plus a celebratory unveiling event.

INFRASTRUCTURE: two larger-than-life Muskoka chairs (8’) as permanent installations for seating and play; a complementary addition to Bronte’s 130+ Muskoka (art) chairs.  

FARMER’S MARKET: the launch of a first-ever market in the neighbourhood for 8 Sundays in July & August. The Farmer’s Market is a community driven aspiration out of Bronte Forward! that serves as a symbol to support and shop local.

MUSIC & CULTURE: a “Bronte Busk Stop” program that invites underrepresented local performers to hone their talents and create a shared cultural experience for visitors and passersby.

The Our Square, Our Story project will enhance and activate a space that supports place-based economic prosperity and stems from community-driven ideas about what Bronte will look, feel, taste and smell like for years to come.


The BIA is partnering with STEPS Public Art, which is leading a community co-created and participatory ground-mural that celebrates the character of Bronte with tactical urbanistic elements to encourage interaction in the space.

About My Main Street: The My Main Street program has returned with an additional Government of Canada investment, building on an initial investment of $ 23.25 million in 2021, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) to spur local economic recovery. To date, the initial investment has supported nearly 4,500 businesses and organizations, nearly 7,500 jobs and leveraged nearly $19 million in additional investment.  The funding aims to revitalize neighbourhood main streets with a healthy retail mix while generating inclusive economic opportunities. The program now features two streams – the Business Sustainability Program stream and the Community Activator stream. My Main Street is delivered by the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI).

About Canadian Urban Institute (CUI): The Canadian Urban Institute is a leading organization dedicated to advancing urban solutions. CUI collaborates with city builders, researchers, and community leaders to create thriving, equitable, and sustainable urban spaces across Canada.

For more information about the Our Square, Our Story project, contact:

Kylie Wilson

Executive Director