Help Us Create a Bronte Pollinator Garden

It’s the community collaboration that keeps on giving!

Last September at our Bronte Block Party, families turned an old canoe into a piece of art – an initiative created by ArtHouse Halton.

This year, Oakvillegreen is transforming the canoe into a pollinator garden, which will be on display under the sails in Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park. The garden will be filled with pollinator-friendly native plants to attract butterflies and bees. This initiative combines the power of arts, education and community to promote environmental stewardship and demonstrates the potential for an old canoe to become a flourishing ecosystem.

You’re invited to help plant the garden! Roll up your sleeves and join Oakvillegreen on Tuesday, May 28 from 4pm to 6pm. Register at the link below. Everyone welcome!

The Bronte pollinator garden will be a reflection of our beautiful community – created and shaped by many hands.