Bold & Beautiful: New Banners Have Arrived in Bronte!

If you’ve visited Bronte lately, you might have noticed that bright, bold & beautiful banners line the streets and give the district a sense of unity.

The banners will be on display year-round to bring colour and vibrancy to the neighbourhood while celebrating Bronte’s iconic Muskoka chairs and harbour setting. The banners and other streetscape beautification are paid for by the business owners and operators of Bronte through a special BIA levy that funds activities in the district.

Street banners serve as a form of wayfinding – letting visitors know that they have entered a distinct geographic space. When people arrive at the gateways of East St & Lakeshore Rd and Bronte Rd & Lakeshore Rd, the banners are the first indication that they’ve landed in a place where everyone is welcome and everything you need can be found.

Speaking of things landing in Bronte, more seasonal beautification will appear throughout the district soon! We’re talking planter barrels, hanging baskets, street benches, garden beds, Canada flags, colourful storefront displayers and flowering decorations put out by local merchants and more.

 A bright, bold and beautiful Bronte awaits! Come and visit today.